The New Avenue blog

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process Kevin Casey process Kevin Casey

Pricing Your Project in a World Gone Mad

If you ask a contractor for an estimate, you’ll most likely get a quote that’s just plain wrong. We’re talking a +/- 30% difference (or worse). 30% too high, and you won’t get the best value for your money. 30% too low, and you may be left with a hole in the ground while you scramble for financing.

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projects, accessory building Kevin Casey projects, accessory building Kevin Casey

Plans for an accessory building with laundry and half bath in Oakland

A homeowner in Oakland wanted to add space to her home that could be used as storage, a guest room, a laundry room, or a home office. New Avenue created this accessory building to enhance her property, making her home into a place that better suits her busy life.

For many homeowners, adding an accessory structure like this makes it possible to stay in the neighborhood they love. It’s an efficient way to add square footage to your home without the expense and difficulty of buying a new home in the area.

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