Cost to design, permit, and build a backyard accessory dwelling in Concord, CA.
Ashlea came to New Avenue with a plan to build an accessory dwelling that she would live in for the long term. She wanted a space that would accommodate her introverted nature, her love of quiet, at-home activities, and her pets. She also had a few special furniture pieces, and it was important that the design allow her to keep those pieces.
A New Avenue design professional designed a 374-square-foot, versatile space that can be used for anything Ashlea wishes. It includes a living area, a bathroom, a kitchen, and storage cabinets. The exterior of the unit matches the main home on the property.
The total cost for design, permitting, and construction came to $188,668.24 at the time of this project. In 2020, this project would cost $216,968.00. You can view the entire budget below.