Building Permits for Accessory Dwellings in San Anselmo
San Anselmo Zoning Map – From MarinMap
Some requirements from the Code of Ordinances (Title 10, Chapter 6):
One permanently surfaced parking space shall be provided for each residential second unit except if you live within one mile of a transit loop.
Height and setback requirements vary with zoning district. Here are a few:
20’ minimum front and rear setbacks in all R zones
8’ minimum interior side setback in all R zons
12’ minimum street side setback in all R zones.
30’ maximum building height above average grade
18’ maximum building height above ridgeline
Residential second unit square footage is calculated as part of the primary living unit and subject to its limitations
Maximum of one second unit per lot containing a single-family dwelling
Maximum of 800 square feet, minimum of 150 square feet
Second unit must compliment the design of the primary living unit
Verify with the Planning Division to confirm your requirements in your zoning district.
San Anselmo General Plan (large PDF)
Do you have a potential second unit you want to build in San Anselmo? New Avenue can help you through the process!